

Dar, Alon and Petra Sijpesteijn. “Introduction: Acts of Rebellion and Revolt in the Early Islamic Caliphate,”  Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 30 (2022), 436 -444

Dar, Alon and Petra Sijpesteijn (eds.) “Thematic Dossier,”  Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 30 (2022), 436 – 602.

Dar, Alon. “Governors and Provincial Elites in Umayyad Egypt,” Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 30 (2022), 500-515.

Dar, A. “‘…So that the descendants of the descendants [of the Muslims] may profit by it’: ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb, the Muslim Army and the Decision not to Divide the Lands of Alexandria.” In Living the End of Antiquity: Individual Histories from Byzantine to Islamic Egypt, edited by Sabine R. Huebner, Eugenio Garosi, Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello, Matthias Müller, Stefanie Schmidt and Matthias Stern, 49-62. Millenium Studies. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter, 2020.


Dar, A. “Greek Inscription in the Baths Of Ḥammat Gader, 42 AH / 662-63 CE.” in “My favourite Medieval things, part II,”  EMCO Eyeopeners, on 25 January, 2021.

Dar, A. “Fighting for wealth, power and prestige: Elites in the Early Muslim Caliphate. ” EMCO Eyeopeners on 16 October, 2020.

Dar, A. “Hide and Seek: Forms of Protection in Early Islam.” EMCO Eyeopeners on 10 May, 2019.


Hayes, Ed and Petra M. Sijpesteijn (eds.) Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, forthcoming (2023).

Hayes, Ed. “The epistolary imamate: Circular letters in the administration of the Shiʿi community” in Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire, edited by Ed Hayes and Petra M. Sijpesteijn. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, forthcoming (2023).

Hayes, E. “Between Implementation and Legislation: The Shiʿi Imam Muḥammad al-Jawād’s Khums Demand Letter of 220 ah/835 ce,” Islamic Law and Society, 28(4), (2021): 382-414. doi:

Hayes, E., The Agents of the Hidden Imam and the Birth Pangs of Twelver Shiʿism 850-950 CE. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Hayes, E. and E. Scheerlinck, “Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies: Introduction.” In Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies, edited by E. Scheerlinck and E. Hayes. Special issue of Annales Islamologiques, 2021, 1-12.

Hayes, E. “Early Islamic Cosmopolitanism? Constructing the ʾUmma of India in Pre-Mongol Muslim Scholarship.” Comparative Islamic Studies, special issue on “Iranian Cosmopolitanisms.” Iranian Studies 13, no 1-2 (2017): 75-120.

Hayes, E. “The Imams as Economic Actors: Early Imami Shiʿism as a “Sacred Economy”.” In The Early Islamic Economy, 750-1050, edited by Fanny Bessard and Hugh Kennedy. Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Hayes, E. “Perversion and Subversion: Gender Relations and Illicit Sexuality in Ibn Dāniyāl’s Shadow Play.” In Queering the Mediterranean, edited by Peter Thompson and Felipe Rojas. Leiden: Brill, 2021. doi/10.1163/9789004465329

Hayes, E. Reason, Revelation, and Esotericism: The Construction of Scholarly Authority in Shiʿi Islam, edited by Edmund Hayes and Rodrigo Adem, Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.

Hayes, E. “The Imam who Might have Been: Jaʿfar ‘the Liar’, his Followers, and the Negotiation between Political Realism and Esotericist Idealism.” In Reason, Revelation, and Esotericism: The Construction of Scholarly Authority in Shiʿi Islam, edited by Edmund Hayes and Rodrigo Adem. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.

Hayes, Edmund. 2018. “Alms and the Man: Fiscal Sectarianism in the Legal Statements of the Shiʿi Imams.” Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies 17 (July):280-98.


Hayes, E. “When is an Arab not an Arab?” Leiden Islam Blog, 12 October 2018.

Hayes, E. “Caliph Al-Nasir li-Din Allah’s Inscription in the Serdab of the Shrine of Imam Al-Mahdi.” in ” My favourite Medieval things, part III” , EMCO Eyeopeners, Februari 2021.

Hayes, E. ” Burn after reading: Epistolary Heresy in Tenth Century Baghdad.” EMCO Eyeopeners, 27 June 2019.

Hayes, E. “Playing the cybersultan: videogames and the Islamic Empire.” EMCO Eyeopeners, 9 July 2020.

This blog was also published on Leiden Islam Blog on 21 August, 2020


Huseini, S.R. “Between the Arabs and the Turks: Household, conversion and power dynamics in early Islamic Bactria” in Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire edited by Ed Hayes and Petra M. Sijpesteijn. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, forthcoming (2023).

Huseini, S.R.“The Muqaddam Represented in the pre-Mongol Persian Documents from Ghur,” Afghanistan vol. 4, no. 2 (autumn 2021).

Huseini, S.R.“Thinking in Arabic, writing in Sogdian: Arab Sogdian Diplomatic Relation in the early eight Century,” in From the Ruler of Samarqand to the Andalusian “Law of the Muslims”: Sogdian, Greek and Arabic Documents and Manuscripts from the Islamicate World and Beyond  edited by A. Kaplony and M. Malczycki. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2021.

Huseini, S.R.“Acts of Protection represented in Bactrian Documents,” In Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies, edited by E. Scheerlinck and E. Hayes. Special issue of Annales Islamologiques, 2021, 107-124.

Huseini, S.R.“The Rebellion of Ḥārith b. Surayj (116–128/734–746) and the Complexity of Power Dynamics in the Umayyad Khurasan,” Al-ʿUsur al-Wusta, Special issue (forthcoming).

Huseini, S.R.“A Note on the Zoroastrianism in pre-Islamic Bactria,” Journal of Himalayan and Central Asian Studies, forthcoming.

Huseini, S.R.“Between the Arabs and the Turks: Household, Conversion and Power Dynamics in early Islamic Bactria (700–772 CE),” in The Ties that Bind, edited by E.P. Hayes and P. M. Sijpesteijn (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming).

Gommans, J.J.L and S.R. Huseini, “Neoplatonic Kingship in the Islamic World: Akbar’s Millennial History,” in  Sacred Kingship in World History: Between Immanence and Transcendence edited by A. Moin and A. Strathern (Columbia University Press, forthcoming 2021).

Gommans, J.J.L and S.R. Huseini, “Neoplatonism and the Pax Mongolica in the Making of Ṣulḥ-I Kull: A View from Akbar’s Millennial History,” Modern Asian Studies, forthcoming (Fall 2021).


Huseini, S.R.“Women in late Antique Bactrian Documents,” Leiden Medievalists Blog, February 19, 2021.

Huseini, S.R.“Thumbnail impression on clay sealings from early Islamic Bactria,” My Favourite Medieval things III, EMCO Eyeopeners, February, 2021.

Huseini, S.R.“The Mughal Experiment with Islamic Extremism: A Sixteenth-Century Lesson for Today,” Leiden Islam Blog, November 25, 2020.

Huseini, S.R.“Ownership notes in imperial Mughal codices,” Mouse & Manuscripts: Lessons in codicology and Paleography, December 2020.

Huseini, S.R.“The Idea and Practice of Justice represented in Bactrian Documents,” Association for Iranian Studies 41, 2 (Newsletter, October 2020), 28-31.This blog was also published on EMCO, Eyeopeners.

Huseini, S.R. “Conquest through Negotiation: The Arab Takeover of Qom in Sasanian Iran.” Leiden Islam Blog, 6 December 2019.

Huseini, S.R.“Bactrian Documents: New Source for the early Islamic history of Tukharistan.” EMCO Eyeopeners, November 22, 2018.


For an overview of Fokelien’s publications prior to the project see here


Scheerlinck, E. and M. Brand (eds.). Religious Identifications in Late Antique Papyri, Routledge, 2022.

Scheerlinck, E. “Like oil in their bones. Banning and cursing by episcopal letter beyond Late Antiquity.” In Religious Identifications in Late Antique Papyri, edited by M. Brand and E. Scheerlinck, 2022.

Scheerlinck, E. and E. Hayes (eds.). Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies. Special issue of Annales Islamologiques, 54, 2021.

Hayes, E. and E. Scheerlinck, “Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies: Introduction.” In Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies, edited by E. Scheerlinck and E. Hayes. Special issue of Annales Islamologiques, 2021, 1-12.

Scheerlinck, E. “Procedures of Protction: Coptic Protection Letters and Village Life.” In Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies, edited by E. Scheerlinck and E. Hayes. Special issue of Annales Islamologiques, 54, 2021, 13-30.

Scheerlinck, E. and M. Brand. “Letter with complaint and request about garments for a celebration.” In Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava 36. Leiden: Brill, 2020, 165-168.

Scheerlinck, E. “Letter about a guarantee from the Apa Apollo monastery in Bawit.” In Coptica Parisina. Textes et documents de la 6e université d’été de papyrologie copte (P. Sorb. Copt.). Journal of Coptic Studies 22, forthcoming.

Scheerlinck, E. “List of expenses.” In Coptica Parisina. Textes et documents de la 6e université d’été de papyrologie copte (P. Sorb. Copt.). Journal of Coptic Studies 22, forthcoming.


Scheerlinck, E. “The governor’s orders: part two.” Leiden Islam Blog, 24 January 2020.

Scheerlinck, E. “Coming out of the cave: monks in society in seventh and eighth century Egypt.” Leiden Medievalists Blog, 28 June 2019.

Scheerlinck, E. “The governor’s orders: part one.” Leiden Islam Blog, 20 June 2019.


For a full overview of publications by Petra Sijpesteijn go here

Hayes, Ed and Petra M. Sijpesteijn (eds.) Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, forthcoming (2023).

Sijpesteijn, Petra M. “Aloneness as connector in Arabic papyrus letters of request” in Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire, edited by Ed Hayes and Petra M. Sijpesteijn. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, forthcoming (2023).

Dar, Alon and Petra Sijpesteijn. “Introduction: Acts of Rebellion and Revolt in the Early Islamic Caliphate,”  Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 30 (2022), 436 -444.

Dar, Alon and Petra Sijpesteijn (eds.) “Thematic Dossier,”  Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 30 (2022), 436 – 602.

Sijpesteijn, Petra M. “Islamisches Ägypten: Kontinuität und Wandel” in Halbmund über dem Nil. Wie aus dem byzantinischen das arabische Ägypten wurde edited by Bernhard Palme, 31-46. Wien: Phoibos Verlag, 2022

Sijpesteijn, Petra M. “Closing Ranks: Discipline and Loyalty in the Umayyad Army,” Al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭā 30 (2022), 469 -499.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “A merchant reports: flax trade in an Arabic papyrus,Aegyptus: rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 101 (2022): 235 – 242.

Sijpesteijn, Petra M. “Good governance in theory and practice: comparing Abū Yūsuf’s Kitāb al-Kharāj with papyri” in The historian of Islam at work. Essays in honor of Hugh N. Kennedy edited by Maaike van Berkel en Letizia Osti, 183-200. Leiden: Brill, 2022.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Loyal and knowledgeable Supporters: Integrating Egyptian Élites in Early Islamic Egypt” in Empires and Communities in the Post-Roman and Islamic World (c. 400-1000 CE), edited by Walter Pohl et al. (eds.), 329-359. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021 .

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “The Arabic script and language in the earliest papyri: mirrors of change.” Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam (JSAI), 49 (2020): 433-494.

Sijpesteijn, P.M “Visible Identities: In Search of Egypt’s Jews in Early Islamic Egypt.” In Israel in Egypt : The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period, edited by Alison Salvesen, Sarah Pearce, and Miriam Frenkel, 424-440. Leiden : Brill, 2020. doi:

Another version of this article has appeared under the same title in Elisabeth R. O’Connell (ed.), Egypt, empire and the formation of religious identity (c. 30 BC–AD 1900), British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan 11. Leuven: Peeters, 2022.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Establishing Local Elite Authority in Egypt Through Arbitration and Mediation.” In: Transregional and Regional Elites – Connecting the Early Islamic Empire. (Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East, no. 36) edited by Hagemann H. and Heidemann S., 387-406.  Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “O sūq mediterrâneo: comércio e trocas ao redor do mediterrâneo.” In O Mediterrâneo medieval reconsiderado, edited by Néri de Barros Almeida and Robson Della Torre, 153-196. Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, 2019.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Beards, Braids and Moustachios: Exploring the Social Meaning of Hair in the Mediaeval Muslim World.” Al-Masāq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 30, no. 1 (2018): 4-8.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Shaving Hair and Beards in Early Islamic Egypt: An Arab Innovation?Al-Masāq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 30, no. 1 (2018): 9-25.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Expressing New Rule: Seals From Early Islamic Egypt and Syria, 600-800 CE.” The Medieval Globe 4, no. 1 (2018): 99-148.

Sijpesteijn, P.M, M. Legendre and A. Delattre. “Introduction.” In Authority and Control in the Countryside: From Antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th Century), edited by P.M. Sijpesteijn, M. Legendre and A. Delattre, 1-9. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Policing, Punishing and Prisons in the Early Islamic Egyptian Countryside (640–850 CE).” In Authority and Control in the Countryside: From Antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (6th-10th Century), edited by P.M. Sijpesteijn, M. Legendre and A. Delattre, 547-588. Leiden: Brill, 2018.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Mohammeds wereld in Egypte.” In Mohammed en de Late Oudheid, edited by Josephine van den Bent, Floris van den Eijnde and Johan Weststeijn, 137-158. Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren, 2018.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Delegation of Judicial Power in Abbasid Egypt.” In Legal Documents as Sources for the History of Muslim Societies, edited by M.L.M. van Berkel, L.P.H.M. Buskens and P.M. Sijpesteijn, 61–84. Leiden: Brill, 2017.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Visible Identities: In Search of Egypt’s Jews in Early Islamic Egypt.” In  Israel in Egypt: The Land of Egypt as Concept and Reality for Jews in Antiquity and the Early Medieval Period, edited by Alison Salvesen, Sarah Pearce, and Miriam Frenkel, forthcoming.


Sijpesteijn, P.M. “The continuum approach: Multiple legal solutions to run a diverse empire” Islamic Law Blog, Roundtable: Islamic Legal History & Historiography.

This Blog was also published on EMCO Eyeopeners

Sijpesteijn, P.M. Coronation robe of Roger II (r. 1130-1154) in My favourite medieval things, part I.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Ziek, zwak en misselijk: hulpbrieven uit middeleeuws Egypte.” Leiden Islam Blog, 28 March 2019.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Een taboe nog groter dan slavernij.” Leiden Islam Blog, 24 November 2017.

Sijpesteijn, P.M. “Eeuwig Egypte.” Leiden Islam Blog, 5 October 2017.


Palombo, Cecilia. “Embedding Conquest: Naturalizing Muslim Rule in the Early Islamic Empire (Project Report)” in Medieval Worlds 17 (2022), 198-216.

doi: 10.1553/medievalworlds_no17_2022s198

Palombo, C. “Studying Trade and Local Economies in Early Islamicate Societies: Responses to the ‘Long-Divergence’ Debate from Islamic HistoryCromohs 24 (2022), 161 – 181.

Palombo, C. “Formulae and Repetition in the Medinan Qur’an: The Calf of Moses’ People between Meccan and Medinan Surahs”, in Nicolai Sinai (ed.), Unlocking the Medinan Qur’an (Brill, 2022).

Palombo, C. “The local clergy and ‘ties of indebtedness’ in Abbasid Egypt: Some reflections on studying debt and credit in the early Islamic Middle East”, in Ties that Bind: Mechanisms and Structures of Social Dependency in the Early Islamic Empire, edited by Edmund Hayes and Petra Sijpesteijn (forthcoming).

Palombo, C. “‘Alī b. Abī Bakr al-Harawī (d. 611 AH/1215 CE): Description of Constantinople, from the Kitāb alishārāt ilā maʽrifat al-ziyārāt (Guidebook to places of pilgrimage)”, in Medieval Texts on Byzantine Art and Aesthetics: From Alexios I Komnenos to the Rise of Hesychasm (1081- ca. 1330), edited by Charles Barber and Foteini Spingou (Cambridge University Press, 2021).

Palombo, C. “The View from the Monasteries: Taxes, Muslims and Converts in the “Pseudepigrapha” from Middle Egypt”, Medieval Encounters 25/4 (2019), 297–344

Palombo, C. “Constantinople and Alexandria between the Seventh and the Eighth Centuries: The Representation of Byzantium in Christian Sources from Conquered Egypt”, in N. Matheou et al. (eds.), From Constantinople to the Frontier: The City and the Cities (Brill, 2016), 243–59

Palombo, C. “The “correspondence” of Leo III and ‘Umar II: traces of an early Christian Arabic apologetic work”, Millennium 12/1 (2015), 231–64


Palombo, C. “A Friend in Need… Part II: Writing from Prison.” EMCO Eyeopeners on 28 June, 2021.

Palombo, C. and Kristiansen, B. “It belongs in a museum”… or does it?” EMCO Eyeopeners on 19 March, 2021.

Palombo, C. , Kristianeen, B. and Dar, A. “My favorite medieval things Part II.” EMCO Eyeopeners on 25 January, 2021.

Palombo, C. “Working with Collections.” EMCO Eyeopeners on 21 December, 2020.

Book reviews

Review of Sean Anthony, Muhammad and the Empire of Faith (University of California Press, 2020), published in The Medieval Review (2021).

Review of Qur’ān Quotations Preserved on Papyrus Documents, 7th–10th Centuries. And the Problem of Carbon Dating Early Qur’āns. Edited by Andreas Kaplony and Michael Marx (Brill, 2019), published in Der Islam (2021).

Review of Diverging Paths? The Shapes of Power and Institutions in Medieval Christendom and Islam. Edited by John Hudson and Ana Rodríguez (Brill, 2014), published in Early Medieval Europe 25/3 (2017).

Review of Andrew Bannister, An Oral-Formulaic Study of the Qur’an (Lexington Books, 2014), published in Review of Qur’anic Research 3/8 (2017).

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